Discover the extraordinary in all people around you!
Helping You Personally & Professionally
Discover in YOUR LIFE…
The Winsome Way…
- To walk with a new sense of Well Being and Mindfulness
- For expanding or growing your Business
- For landing that Dream Job or Career Success or Building Your Purpose
- For your Marriage or in leading your Family
- In your role as Mentor or Coach in Business or in a Locker Room
- As a Leader within your Community, City, State or even our Nation
- As part of your Neighborhood or Church
- Or to simply ‘Everyman’ on the Street

The Winsome Way
ZIG ZIGLAR and DAN SNELL together for the first time at a 2009
Get Motivated Seminar
Enjoy winsome stories about Zig and his Family, Pat Williams, Bob Beaudine,
Rev. Carey Casey, Dr. Dan Erickson and others! Read and learn to emulate the special qualities
that will help you connect, bond and shine in most any personal or professional arena.

Extraordinary Living... Above The Ordinary
How to be successful in your quest for living an extraordinary life!
You are searching for a better way to connect to people. You just lost your job or failed in a relationship, and you’re thinking, There must be a better way.
A manager handed you this book and said, “Read and grow winsome, grow mighty.”
A friend or relative (an exceptionally smart person ) gave you this book to ‘change your life’.
You may be someone with your eyes always glued to your cell phone and know there’s a better way.
You’re in a small group study for church, community, book club, business, etc.
You heard that on average, winsome people earn 10 percent more than the average person.
You heard research shows being winsome adds seven years to your life.

Dan speaks to thousands of people across America each year. The unique and refreshing Winsome Way message is gaining ground. The word ‘winsome’ has been associated with Dan now for 9 years.
The winsome way foundational principles are inspiring sales teams, customer service teams, communities, chamber of commerce’s, associations, churches and universities. Dan, the only Winsomeologist in the World, adapts the ‘Winsome’ message to each group by investing time upfront to meet the needs of the meeting planner, leadership and audience.

Dan has co-hosted two radio programs since 2009. WEBTALK WITH BOB, a national technology and entrepreneurial program, ran for almost two years. Serving as radio sidekick to host Robert Sherwood, author, entrepreneur of the year, Silicon Valley board member, venture capitalist and consultant, they interviewed leaders and technology entrepreneurs. That program interviewed people bringing breakthrough applications in technology, phone apps and creative ways to make money via the internet from leading technology gurus.
BLENDED FAMILY TODAY Dan co-hosted the ‘first of it’s kind’ national radio program serving ‘Blended Families’ i.e. step-families. It was heard nationally from 2009 to 2012, on Sunday mornings from 8 AM – 9 AM for 3 years via the Kansas City ESPN affiliate. To this day, 7 years after show went off air, over 2000+ free podcast downloads a month still take place.

What is Winsome?
Via / Merriam-Webster
Youthful or innocently charming; winning; engaging: a winsome smile. Cheerful, upbeat, happy, energetic, positive.
absorbing, alluring, appealing, attractive, captivating, charismatic, delightful, desirable, elegant, enamoring, engaging, enthralling, eye-catching, fascinating, glamorous, inviting, irresistible, lovable, pleasant, pleasing, pretty, sweet, hopeful, optimistic, gladsome, perky, upbeat, good-humored, good-natured, peppy, zippy

Be Winsome! Be Victorious!
Winsome people easily win friends and importantly, most often they ‘win the moment’ or ‘win the day’. You know them when you see them.
Winsome companies and organizations of any kind hold a vision, a spirit and an attitude that breathes with every breath and steps with every step in a winsome way.
That’s what we message, share, coach and mentor for you.
It is not surprising that winsome and win have a common root. Their shared element win- comes from the Indo-European root *wen-, meaning “to desire, strive for.” Another appropriate form is the Germanic noun *wini- meaning “friend” (literally, “one who desires or loves” someone else). A different form of the root with a different suffix became Old English wynn, “pleasure, joy,” preserved in winsome.
So for yourself, your family, your friends and your business, remember to carry with you the lessons in THE WINSOME WAY book.
If you remember just one point, remember that the verb WIN itself is from this root; its meaning is an extension of “to strive for,” namely… “to strive for with success”…
Be Winsome and be Victorious.

With the "The Winsome Way" Book & Resources
You’ll gain satisfaction, joy and self confidence in a new way.
You’ll discover how to earn more money personally or for your business.
You’ll see your spouse and friends smiling more when they see you.
You’ll achieve your goals faster than you have been.
You’ll find within you the ability to dream bigger dreams.
You’ll see people in a new light.
You’ll find a personal faith like never before.
Order and Own Your Copy of THE WINNING WAY here.
The Winsome Way - Messages, Topics and Resources

Being a seasoned, award winning sales professional and manager, Dan will deliver a message that entertains, encourages and inspires a sales force, resetting the foundation of teamwork and setting forth a vision of walking winsome together as a organization. The Winsome Way message is one that re-ignites your salespeople to believe in themselves and their product in a new and refreshing way. Every one will leaved with nuggets and takeaways. People buy from people they like, trust and believe. A winsome salesperson is the most powerful tool a company can have. Generally a 30-75 minute message tailored to the specific company’s culture, industry and marketplace. The Winsome Way books are generally a part of the fee negotiated in the appearance agreement.

VICTORY SELLING - WIN THE DAY and you'll Win the Week, Month, Quarter, Year and Be at Club!
A one day course sharing specific and absolutely measurable system called ‘Victory Selling’. For most organizations of size, truly to the person, it’s about attaining President’s Club, isn’t it? Any sales professional knows that if you attain “Club’, the money, the awards, the kudos and the joy is there. There is something about sitting around fellow winners that makes the moment hold special power and pride… and will now hold a better understanding of winsome.
What does ‘Victory Selling’ this course focus on. Setting ‘Club’ or some other personal goal (house, car, boat, college fund, etc). Setting forth a vision that is ‘real’ as you place that picture goal on the mirror on your bathroom. Developing goals and a ‘pitch’ that is a winner for you. Looking at these daily, while your brushing your teeth or preparing your winsome look…. and then following the winsome steps of ‘Victory Selling’.
Sales is one part ‘winsome’, absolutely, yet there are 3 other parts of the formula for success. Those 4 parts come in a simple, straightforward, easy blueprint for success to follow. A special inspirational hour set aside always for salespeople who are under 50% of quota.
The ‘Victory Selling’ program explains clearly exactly what to do to win the day. And if you win the day, you’ll attain your goal. The program comes with a workbook, video, mp3 audios to play daily, free access to the Victory Selling website, a phone app, and follow-up calls for 60 days.

THE WINSOME LOCKER ROOM - How & why championship teams win via The Winsome Way.
Having played and coached sports all his life, and been a student of championship teams and why they win, Dan will fire up any college or professional team. His energy and passion for the love of the game and camaraderie lights up a team meeting or an entire arena. Athletic departments appreciate that all sports – men and women’s – can equally gain from a ‘winsome’ message that places togetherness, team bonding, character and school pride as the foundation. As with all his speeches, Dan does extensive research within the school coaching staff and players in order to truly ‘know the heart’ of the school. Universities across the nation seeking that special ‘locker room victory scent’ value the winsome message.
The WINSOME LOCKER ROOM program can also come with custom team training resources and workbooks. Players, coaches and athletic staff all take part in building the winsome program.

THE WINSOME COMMUNITY - How to build and grow community spirit and engagement.
Dan understands and is a life long proponent of having a sense of community. His small town Nebraska roots, and active parents has led him to a life of investing himself wherever he calls home. Having spent 3 terms, 10 years in elective office and over 30 years in community or educational organizations such as Chamber of Commerce, Rotary, Optimists, TGIW, athletic banquets, graduations and others. Your community will have purpose and be more engaged after hearing this winsome message. The Winsome Way has a ‘Small Town USA’ program designed especially for cities under 15,000 people.
The WINSOME COMMUNITY program can also come with custom training workbooks and resources, including a 8 week Leadership Development Program. Programs working with Chamber of Commerce’s are also available.

THE WINSOME CHURCH - A message sharing how God planted the seeds of winsome in you.
The Bible is packed with God’s message of hope, encouragement and God’s promises of His goodness and love for all people. Developing a winsome spirit in any church is a way to reach people and grow any church, any size.
Dan meets with elders, boards, committees, men’s and women’s groups as part of the WINSOME CHURCH program.
Dan has appeared and shared messages of encouragement in churches across America for over 20 years. He’s been a speaker at Iron Sharpens Iron, Community Prayer Breakfasts, for the National Center for Fathering, as well as a blended family message he shares via a faith-based organization serving step-families.
THE WINSOME CHURCH program is being acclaimed as a new approach to church growth nationally.

Whatever the venue or arena, Dan and his team work with the host organization to assure that the message is personal, appropriate for the vision and goals, and foremost changes the hearts and spirits of those in attendance. The Winsome Way message never is forgotten. Dan delivers a time and message that leaves the learning, laughing and launching toward a better way of life, business and success.
The Winsome Way team also supports your efforts with emails, social media, graphics, videos and other items to make your event special. We invest time learning about your people, your culture and discovering your expectations for our time together. Your new ‘winsome’ life will be big!
Winsome Coaching
If one looks up the term COACH in a dictionary, you can find that part of the origin of the word ‘Coach’ comes from moving people –
with a ‘coach’ – to their ‘destination’. Like a horse drawn stagecoach we will ‘Coach’ you and move you from “Point A” to “Point B”.
The unique ‘Triple Team Coaching’ of Dr Randy Shepard, alongside Dan Snell provides a coaching client with a double focus on their vision, goals, steps and executive. Like having three rows of horses pulling you to your destination. Who is the third row… be sure to ask!
Foremost the DOUBLE BONUS VALUE of ENCOURAGEMENT and INSPIRATION. A second set of eyes becomes a differentiation for people vs. just having one single coach. No other coaching program offers anything like this. Clients rave about the ATTENTION, CREATIVITY, ENERGY, RESULTS and thus the VALUE as they quickly move to their business or personal goals.

Online Webinars PLUS National Rallies & Workshops
Weekly webinars extend encouragement and hope to hundreds of people seeking a new beginning of their better tomorrow.
“Pep in Your Step” Rallies and Workshops will also take place on a monthly basis in various cities across America.
The “Design Your Life” seminar is led by Michael Saubert, Sr and brings the best of creativity, structure, process and inspiration to help individuals define, design and deliver a future for a person just like you, who knows deep in the heart that a true destiny exists. Part of the Design Your Life” seminar offers a long term plan to blending a current ‘J.O.B.’ and your dream. Certainly maintaining financial stability while you set forth a time frame for your dream will allow a natural and proven system to be successful long term.
We work with local groups as fundraisers for their organization, or even help building their dream, vision and/or their own coaching business in partnership with us.
The local person or organization helps organize, promote, invite and sell tickets to – and thus profit from – their coaching relationships with Dr. Randy, Dan and other associates.
Contact us at
[email protected]

Weekly National Call-In Life Coaching Programs
Beginning in March two weekly radio programs hit the air nationally.
Dr Randy Shepard and Dan Snell will host a weekly live call-in radio programs. They’ll discuss topics that will encourage, extend hope, give measurable steps and ideas for their listeners. They’ll discuss assessing your strengths, determining your best and unique vision and build what makes you different and will sell your message. They also help with connecting people to the right resources and much more.
Michael Saubert, Sr, a nationally recognized and award winning industrial design an marketing professional, will team with Dan on The Positivity Guys. This fast paced 21 minute program has been designed as a free resource to encourage, extend hope and motivation while always offering positive and inspirational communication and content
On both shows your hosts will interview national authors, speakers, coaches, motivational gurus, business leaders and more.
Stay tuned for more info.

Group Coaching and One on One Coaching
Let’s face it. Coaching works.
And our exclusive and dynamic new approach of the exciting ‘Triple Turbo Power Coaching’ system exists to get you from ‘Point A to Point B’ faster. Our clients deserve and receive to get our exclusive ‘3 for the Price of 1 Triple Team’ sessions their first month.
Yes… that means Dr. Randy Shepard, Michael Saubert, Sr and Dan Snell all sit in our your initial coaching session.
Three dynamic, creative, talented and successful people on the call with you.
To help you think through your life, your business, your ideas and more.
You pay the price for only one yet get three super coaches together with you.
This allows you the benefit of 3 different perspectives, ideas and encouragement. Then after you’ve had the first month of personal coaching, you and the team decide which of the 3 coaches will personally stay with you daily and weekly, plus still having quarterly meets with the three together.
Yet, not everyone can afford one on one coaching so ‘Group Coaching’ exists.
We gather groups of less than 15 together for group coaching. This allows for interaction and creativity to flow in a big time way.
Stay tuned for the schedule as it is unfolding for 2019 with new locations and exciting new ‘pays for itself’ programs. The VALUE is incredible.
CONTACT: [email protected]
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You know a Winsome Moment When One Unfolds

As we travel we meet tremendous individuals who are truly WINSOME PEOPLE. You see it in their eyes. You sense it in their countenance. You just know. You can feel it in the first 21 seconds together. As we promote THE WINSOME WAY across America we post pictures of individuals or groups who we discover are living out the “Best of the Best” qualities of THE WINSOME WAY.
CLICK HERE to go to the
These photos are taken as we criss-cross this great nation encouraging and discovering WINSOME people from everyday life.
Give a gift that will echo into a winsome heart!
Award a True Winsome Person with one of these Special Gifts!
(Stay tuned for further selections)

Crystal Glass Award $49.95,
plus shipping and handling
Pre-Order Book Now

Start your WINSOME life today!
Order your copy of THE WINSOME WAY Now!
Start ‘Discovering The Extraordinary in Every Person’.
“The reach for personal development will always be
the standard of people of greatness. Reach to Be Winsome.”
~ Dan Snell
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD,
plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
Jeremiah 29:11
Today your choices are simple.
You can be WINSOME, or you can be WOESOME.
Choose one.
~ Dan Snell
A Great VACATION or airplane flight read for true people champions.
Order your copy of THE WINSOME WAY today.
Via Amazon.
Or order at Barnes and Noble
Or Target, Walmart or over 100 other leading national book outlets.

Contact our team to have Dan come share and invest
The Winsome Way message into your company, school, special event, graduation, chamber of commerce, community club or any group looking for a reboot of enthusiasm and energy toward your goals.
Call 650-600-WINS